Partial List of Accomplishments as of February 2023
Current/Recent/On-Going Projects and Major Accomplishments:
- Over the last Ten Years RDP has been instrumental in attracting and growing the commands at NBVC from approximately 70 to 100.
Recent Projects and Growth Areas
- Obtained funding through an RDP request to Senator Feinstein for much needed Military Construction of a Maintenance facility P491( $48.7 million) for Seabees at NBVC.
- Supported ($19.907 million) funding for the Directed Energy Weapons Test Facilities on San Nicholas Island.
- Began Development of Unmanned Capability Education Brochure
- Saved SES Position for Base.
- Supported Military Spousal Licensure for California to Meet DoD Requirements.
- Active involvement in needed California Legislation for retention of DoD Programs in California.
- Supported ANG 146 Construction of MAFF’s Simulator Facility
- Opening of the Directed Energy Facility at Pt Mugu and Upgrade of San Nicolas Island Capability.
- Established facilities for unmanned maritime vehicle testing on NBVC Port Hueneme, the facilities will accommodate testing, evaluation, and technology demonstration for Extra Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (XLUUV) and Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) prototypes.
- Began Construction of New Coast Guard Facility at NBVC, Point Mugu.
- Additional New Unmanned Air Programs Assigned to NBVC
- Establishment of Unmanned Surface Development Squadron 1, at NBVC, Port Hueneme, CA.
2018 – 2021 Projects: 2022 Issues Under Development Now
- Pt Mugu Beach Erosion
- Seabee Reductions in Force Concerns
- Sea Range Wind Farms
- Increase in Funding for MRTFB.
- Infrastructure Improvements at NBVC with concentration on security.
- Test and Evaluation Structure and Improvements and growth of capability for the Pt Mugu range.
- Local Range Capability including support aircraft, out year Target shortages, funding to support a north and south range.
- Working on attracting new UAV Project, MQ-25, to Pt Mugu.
- Potential MQ-25 Stingray Basing at Pt. Mugu.
- Supported MILCON programs for Directed Energy and advanced target launches at San Nicholas Island and Pt Mugu involving both Pt Mugu Range and NSWC PHD (which are now in work).
Current/Recent/On-Going Projects
- NBVC Capability Enhancement and Competitive Edge. Ever since the last BRAC, RDP-21 has focused on projects that will create new professional (scientific and engineering) jobs by working to retain and enhance local capabilities and infrastructure, create new functions and establish a competitive edge. It is important to make sure that the technical expertise, capability and infrastructure is there to enable the commands to compete and win the 21st century projects that will replace older programs. This year RDP-21 is working to obtain funding and legislative language for two projects that are extremely important to maintaining and growing the competitive edge of the Test and Evaluation capability at NBVC including Center for Maritime Directed Energy Testing.
- New Work : Projects include UAV’s, Coast Guard, relocation of some maintenance functions, and others. Such as:
- Triton Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- MQ-8B/C Fire Scout
- Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike Vehicle
- Other Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
- Coast Guard Work, the move of Helo Squadrons from LAX to NBVC, is in progress and new Hangers are on schedule.
- MQ-25 Stingray Basing at Pt. Mugu.
- NBVC Building Issues/Shortages. Another area that is crucial to maintain capability and viability is having buildings that are capable of supporting the technical functions locally. Two projects being supported currently are:
- Missile Assembly and Storage Building at San Nicolas Island
- Surface Targets Development Lab P-061
- Security Infrastructure funding.
- Test & Evaluation Infrastructure and Evolution: Currently working a number of issues related to the lack of support of T&E infrastructure and capability growth which could, If not corrected, make the local commands and Sea Range unable to perform future missions and support advanced programs. Increases in MRTFB Funding three years in a row.
- Air National Guard (ANG) 146th Firefighting Capability: For a number of years we have worked on upgrading the capability of the local ANG, resulting in 8 new aircraft and new firefighting modules for the new aircraft. We are still pursuing a goal to add more aircraft and a flight simulator to make them a primary training site. In the past year we successfully helped them, working with the State offices prevent a take-over by the Air Force of many of the State functions.
- NBVC Encroachment: RDP-21 works with the community to ensure that the base is protected against encroachment that could hamper the missions of the local base commands and tenant activities. We have so far been successful (see past accomplishments) in working potential conflicts.
- We successfully worked an issue created by a CARB (California Air Resources Board) ruling that is causing ships to go out of the shipping channel and into the Navy Test Range. We met with CARB leaders here and written letters and testified at hearings in Sacramento and Long Beach. Based on our initiatives, the law was changed to support moving ships back in channel.
- The past year we were a key player on the Technical Committee on the Joint Land Use Study for NBVC and Ventura County. We were able to provide inputs that better define the issues that should be consider before development of land is considered. With this work, the issues that would cause detrimental encroachment of NBVC are well defined.
- Hold Monthly Joint Military Community and Community Meetings: RDP monthly meetings provide forums for community leaders, elected officials, and Base commands to share information and determine ways to provide support to each other and enhance the relationships that contribute to an effective relationship in Ventura County.
- Major Voice and Lobby Support for NBVC: Provide support on various issues that help maintain viability of the Base, protect the Sea Test Range, keep environmental issues from having unintended consequences, and generally act as a community advocate for issues impacting NBVC and the military in Ventura County.
- Visit National Leaders & Potential Customers at Least Yearly: Visit DOD Leaders, Navy Leaders, Local Command Sponsors in Washington DC, Potential Customers for NBVC and Congressional offices to work issues as appropriate in each area, as well as, educate the leadership on the value of NBVC.
- Gather Issues Each Year Impacting NBVC Commands: Meet at least Annually with each major command and gather issues needing support from RDP to enhance and/or maintain their viability locally.
- Major Financial Sponsor of Navy EXPO: Work with VCEDA and NBVC to help sponsor the Annual Navy EXPO in Ventura County
Other Significant Past Accomplishments:
- Other Significant Past Accomplishments:
- Supported new work and new tenant activities to be brought to NBVC: Since 2002 the base has increased from ~ 70 to ~100 Tenant Organizations. Examples of tenant activities are:
- Maintenance Training School
- Airborne Early Warning Wing Pacific (E-2s)
- Logistical support squadron (VR-55)
- Security Infrastructure funding.
- Obtained eight(8) C-130J aircraft for California Air National Guard
- Supported upgrade of capability of EW Center of Excellence at Pt Mugu with Congressional Adds: for Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare (EW) Lab Upgrade.
- $ 3.5 Mil OBTAINED FY 08 & 09
- $ 4.5 Mil Requested FY 10
- Establishment of Pt Mugu as Asymmetric Warfare Center
- Funding Adds for Asymmetric Warfare Center for four years.
- Obtained a New Surface Warfare Test Ship
- Support for placement of Naval Facilities Expeditionary Logistics Center at NBVC
- Military Construction:
- MILCON P-532 Port Improvements
- MILCON P-267 Extend Aircraft Parking Apron
- MILCON P-250 San Nicolas Island Pier
- MILCON CBC Logistics Support Building
- MILCON Engineering Laboratory NSWC
- MILCON P-031 Range Control Building
- MILCON P-061 Surface Targets Development Lab
- Missile Assembly and Storage Building at San Nicolas Island
- Issues Supported That Prevented Encroachment of NBVC
- Harbor District expansion that would have encroached and impacted T&E
- Woodside LNG Encroachment on the Sea Range
- NOAA Permit, Marine Mammal Issue ( Seals & San Nicolas Island )
- Issues Worked to Improve/Support Base
- Base Out-leasing Policy Change
- MRTFB (Major Range and Test Facility Base) Funding Supported
- Fleet Use of Test Ranges, pricing, etc, vs. Operational Ranges
- Wharf & Pier Improvements
- South West Defense Alliance (SWDA) Support
- RDP representative previously SWDA President