FEBRUARY 03, 2021 REV (8)
The Ventura County
Regional Defense Partnership
Article I: General
Section 1.1 Name
The name of this organization is “The Ventura County Regional Defense Partnership” hereinafter known as “RDP-21”. This organization consists of representatives from Ventura County and City governments, academia, business, industry, community, and military sectors.
Section 1.2 Purpose
To ensure the continued economic growth and viability of Ventura County through partner-based collaborative efforts to:
· Enhance the unique value of the military and related facilities located in Ventura County to the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the American Taxpayer, and the economy of Ventura County and the State of California. |
· Collaborate with military and related commands to leverage existing military base capabilities and technologies to promote new commercial market opportunities in Ventura County. |
· Work cooperatively with the military commands in Ventura County to: – Strengthen existing military and community partnerships formed to – attract new military missions for the bases. – Encourage technology-based industries to utilize existing military base – capabilities and resources. – Outsource appropriately selected functions. – Develop cooperative ventures. – Jointly explore how to meet mission requirements at reduced cost. |
· Work with appropriate Congressional representatives and Federal officials to bring more military and related construction programs to the Ventura County military commands. |
Article II: Board of Directors
Section 2.1 General Powers
The affairs of RDP-21 shall be governed and managed by a Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”).
2.1.a Duties of the Board;. The Board shall have the
- Responsibility for establishing policy,
- Setting strategic direction,
- Providing management oversight, and
- Approving the budget and maintain oversight
- The Board may establish committees and appoint committee members.
- Members of the Board may serve as members of committees.
Section 2.2 Board Number and Tenure
2.2.a. Board membership shall be comprised of representatives from:
· Ventura County government (elected and appointed officials). · RDP-21 Executive Director · Governments of cities located in Ventura County (elected and appointed officials). · Congressional Offices that represent Ventura County. · Public Members. |
2.2.b. The County of Ventura will be given two voting seats to be filled from members of the Board of Supervisors.
2.2.c. Each city contributing to RDP-21 will be given one voting seat each on the Board to be filled from the city council members or mayor.
2.2.d.. Each U.S. Congressional Office whose district contains part of Ventura County will be given one Ex-Officio seat, without a vote, on the Board.
2.2.e. Other voting members of the Board shall be nominated by the Executive Board and approved by the Board from the RDP-21 public membership.
2.2.f. Board members shall serve for a period of 2 years, but can serve multiple terms. The Board will review at least annually the Board membership and participation, and determine the need to add and/or replace Board members.
2.2.g. The minimum number of members is two (2) Supervisors, two (2) local city government elected officials, and four (4) public members. The maximum number of members is not stipulated.
Section 2.3 Compensation
2.3.a. Board members will serve without compensation in the performance of their Board duties. With the exception of Governmental member’s travel, expenses incurred by Board members for furtherance of the RDP-21 vision may be reimbursed upon request if budgeted and approved by CEO/President.
2.3.b. The Board may provide compensation for individuals for their time involved in administration, direction, or implementation of RDP tasks if the effort is considered necessary and beyond what could reasonably be expected of an individual to donate of their time or resources. None of these positions shall be full time. A job description for these tasks and/or positions shall be developed and approved by the Board. Government Officials or their employees will not be compensated for their time unless specifically provided for in the approved Budget for that fiscal year. Compensation will be limited to those who are not otherwise compensated by their employer for their RDP work.
2.3.c. Travel expenses can be paid or reimbursed for those doing business for RDP-21 who have received prior approval by the Executive Board except for Government Officials and their employees. The Executive Board shall approve travel before such payments are made.
Section 2.4. Meetings
Regular RDP-21 Board Meetings will be held as required, but at least annually.
· Location: Meeting place will be determined by the co-chairs. · Agenda: A meeting agenda will be promulgated via fax or Email to all members of the Board of Directors. |
Section 2.5 Voting
Each Board member shall have one vote. A quorum is a minimum of 5 Board members.
Article III: Officers
Section 3.1 Officers
3.1.a. The Board of Directors shall have two officers for leadership of the Board
- Ventura County Supervisor : Co-chairperson of the Board
- President/CEO of RDP-21 : Co-chairperson of the Board
3.1.a.1. The President/CEO (or Director) of RDP-21 serves as the Co-Chair of the Board.
3.1.a.2. Ventura County Board of Supervisors will designate one of its representatives as primary representative to RDP-21, who will serve as co-chair.
3.1.b. The Board of Directors will elect from the city representatives a Vice-Chairperson. Term will be for two years, but can serve more than one term.
3.1.c. The Board of Directors will elect from its members a Treasurer. Term will be for two years, but can serve more than one term.
3.1.d In March of odd numbered years the two Co-Chairs will appoint a committee composed of three members of the Board of Directors to evaluate the Treasurer and the banking services provided to the RDP-21; the committee’s report will be made to the Board at the annual meeting in June.
3.1.e. The Board may appoint other positions as required to carry out the duties of RDP-21 by vote of a majority of Board members
Section 3.2 Duties of Ventura County Supervisor Co-Chairperson
The Co-chairperson shall have the following duties, responsibilities and authorities:
· Preside at RDP-21 regular and annual meetings. · Act as an ex-officio member of all committees. · Other duties as prescribed by these By-Laws or the Board.
Section 3.3 Duties of Executive Director Co-Chairperson
The Co-chairperson shall have the following duties, responsibilities, and authorities:
· Preside at RDP-21 regular and annual meetings. · Establish and appoint members to committees subject to approval by majority vote of the Board. · Act as an ex-officio member of all committees. · Appoint Board members to attend meetings related to RDP-21 business. · Other duties as prescribed by these By-Laws or the Board.
Section 3.4 Duties of Vice-Chairperson
- The Vice-Chairperson shall have the following duties, responsibilities, and authorities:
- Preside at RDP-21 regular and annual meetings in the absence of the Co-Chairpersons.
- Member of the Executive Board.
- Act as the interface with the Cities.
- Other duties as prescribed by these By-Laws or the Board.
- Act as a community interface with city groups such as, chambers of commerce, etc
Section 3.5 Duties of the Treasurer
- Acts as the interface to the organization responsible for the banking, accounting, and disbursement of funds.
- Manage claims for re-imbursement prior to being sent to above organization.
- Manage contract billings and review prior to forwarding for payment to above organization.
- To Manage the funding requests and obtain funds from the cities and county, and deposit in the RDP Trust Fund at a location designated by the Board.
- Make annual requests to the cities and county for budgeting for next fiscal year and requests for current year funds release.
- Monitor receipt of funds and do any necessary follow-up.
- Responsible for maintaining the current budget.
- Responsible for the organization’s filings of taxes with the IRS and Franchise Tax Board each year.
- Responsible for annual filing with the California Attorney General.
- Works with the Executive Director to develop the annual budget
Article IV RDP-21 Executive Board
Section 4.1 Executive Board Membership:
The Executive Board members are the two Co-Chairpersons, Vice-Chairperson and Treasurer.
Section 4.2 Executive Board Purpose:
To consult with and advise the Executive Director of the organization on major issues and polices that cross the responsibilities of the offices of Co-Chairpersons, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer.
Section 4.3 Duties of Executive Board
· Formulate recommendations and policy on matters important to the operation of RDP-21 and present to the Board for approval. |
· Approve funding expenditures exceeding $10,000.00 in accordance with the approved budget. Any two members constitute a quorum for this purpose. |
· Co-ordinate Public Relations activities and development of material · Recommend budgets, by-law changes, policies and other actions requiring Board approval.
Article V RDP-21 Executive Director
Section 5.1: Position Description:
- Operational manager of RDP-21, including all aspects of managing the non-profit organization including administration, recommending policy changes to the Board, creating operating procedures, ensuring that we are operating efficiently, ensuring that legal and fiduciary standards are met.
- The position also recommends contractors for Board approval, manages those contracts, and shares approval of contractor payments with the Treasurer.
- The position works closely with the Ventura County Supervisor Co-chair, Board of Directors, government officials, elected officials and the public, and ensures that contractors are aligned with RDP-21’s mission and vision in working together to successfully achieve strategic objectives.
Section 5.2: Qualifications:
- Organizational management experience require Technical and engineering background is desired.
- Master’s degree in business administration or equivalent experience.
- Extensive experience in managing within a complex environment of different organizations including Navy, Defense and federal/state/local government or
- Previous experience in a senior leadership role in Government, Industry or Non-profit organization.
- Demonstrated ability to develop and implement successful strategic plans
- Basic understanding of financial management.
- Strong aptitude for verbal and written communication, presentation, and relationship development
5.3: Responsibilities and Duties
- Sets the agenda and conducts RDP-21’s board meetings
- Recommends new committees and makes recommendations for appointees.
- Establishes support contracts, administers these contracts, provides direction to contractors, and shares responsibility with the Treasurer for contractor payment oversight
- Takes general operating policies to the Board for approval
- Develops the yearly work plan
- Works with the Treasurer to develop the annual budget
- Lobbying
- Determines the processes and offices to be visited
- Plans the trips
- Sets the agenda and approves the issues/white papers
- Establishes and approves general meeting agendas
- Acts as the principal RDP-21 interface to local defense commands
- Represents RDP-21 at local command events, receptions, changes of command, etc.
- Leads the creation of various promotional materials
- Leads operation of RDP-21 office and establishes work assignments and standards for work of administrative position
- Develops and implements strategic plans that meet business goals and objectives created in partnership with the Board of Directors.
- Ensures commitment to and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
- Develops positive relationships with key stakeholders.
- Approves proposed travel and participation in events for non-government members.
- In coordination with the Treasure initiates the Budget Process.
- Management and oversight of Budget.
- Other duties as described in Section 3
5.4: Selection:
- Board will form a committee to search for candidates and make recommendations to the Board of the candidates who meet the qualifications.
- Candidates shall be selected without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry) disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.
- Upon Board approval of list, the search committee will interview selected candidates and make a recommendation to the board.
- Board will make final Approval and agree on the Contract.
5.5: Compensation:
- Compensation will be determined at the time of selection by the RDP-21 Board.
- The compensation will be reviewed annually by the Board.
5.6 Annual Evaluation:
- 60 Days prior to the annual contract renewal, the Ventura County Supervisor Co-Chair will appoint a committee of at least 3 members of the Board to review performance and make a recommendation on both renewal and compensation.
Article VI RDP-21 Membership
Section 6.1 Membership
RDP-21 membership is in two classes summarized as follows:
6.1.a. Public Agency membership:
· Cities that contribute to RDP-21. · County of Ventura. · Congressional offices that represent Ventura County. |
6.1.b. Public Members. People who live or work in Ventura County and have an interest in the purpose of RDP-21 as stated in Article 1 of these Bylaws. Membership requires attendance at a monthly meeting and a request to become a member. No attendance in a twelve month period removes them from membership.
6.1.c. Member Rights:
· The only RDP-21 members empowered to vote on matters of policy or issues concerning the organization are its Board of Directors. · Nothing in these By-Laws precludes any other member from participating in consensus development and discussions at RDP-21 meetings. · All RDP-21 members are eligible to serve on RDP-21 committees provided that requirements contained in these By-Laws are met. |
Article VII Budgets, Funding, and Fiscal Year
Section 7.1 Budget Preparation
It is the responsibility of the Executive Director in conjunction with the Treasure to present for Board approval an operating budget for RDP-21. Upon approval, it is the responsibility of Executive Director to administer the budget and carry out the financial management plan.
Section 7.2 Board Action
The Board may make changes to the proposed budget as necessary and appropriate. Approval of the budget or changes to the budget shall be by a majority vote of the Board Members in attendance.
Section 7.3 Funding
Funding shall be provided by cities that contribute to RDP-21 and the County of Ventura. Funding requests will be made based on a formula approved by Board and the City managers and CEO Committee. No funding request will be made to other categories of members.
Section 7.4 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year for RDP-21 shall begin on July 1st and shall end at midnight on June 30th of each year.
Article VIII Disbursements and Audits
Section 8.1 Disbursements
The Board shall cause to be established a system regarding the manner in which disbursements for expenses are authorized.
Section 8.2 Audit
An audit shall be made of all RDP-21 financial records and accounts at least annually.
Article IX Miscellaneous
Section 9.1 Parliamentary Procedure/Rules of Order
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern RDP-21 meetings in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and/or any special rules of order that the RDP-21 Board may adopt.
Section 9.2 Amendment of By-Laws
These By-Laws may be amended by the Board at any Board meeting of RDP-21 by a simple majority vote of the Board Members in attendance.
Section 9.3 Dissolution
This organization can be dissolved by simple majority vote of the Board. Upon dissolution of the organization, any remaining funds shall be distributed to designated non-profit corporations (existing under the laws of the State of California) as approved by a majority of the Board.
Appendix A.
RDP-21 By-Law Changes
Date |
Change |
Approval |
Revision # |
6/23/10 |
Attachment A Added |
Track Changes |
6 |
6/23/10 |
Add review criteria for public co-chair and Vice Chair Paragraph 3.1.a2 & 3.1.b1 |
Board Action of 6/16/10 |
6 |
6/16/16 |
Removed Treasure function from Vice-Chair & Created new Treasure Position |
Board Action of 6/16/16 |
7 |
2/01/21 |
Changes for RDP-21 Executive Director position establishment |
Board Action of 2/03/2021 |
8 |