RDP is a collaborative partnership of
representatives, including:
- Ventura County Board of Supervisors and mayors and city council members
of the county’s ten cities - Elected and retired federal and state political leaders and representatives
- Senior base officials and retired military and senior Navy executives
- Economic Development Collaborative-Ventura County (EDC-VC), local chambers
of commerce and the Ventura County Economic Development Association (VCEDA) - Navy Industry Council
- California State University, Channel Islands, and Ventura County
community colleges - Broad-based citizen representation
RDP links the military in Ventura County to a broad network of support
that includes all community and industry sectors of
In the Community
With community partnership among local economic and government entities
and the military, RDP-21 showcases military programs and activities that directly
benefit private industry, educational institutions and nonprofit organizations
throughout the county.
The military partners with private enterprise through cooperative research and
development agreements that help local companies gain access to resources and
equipment. It also works with local schools and colleges to provide tutoring, guest
speakers, teleconferencing sessions, mentors for science projects, and other resources
that support education and youth development.
Department of Defense families are active volunteers in the community, including
schools, philanthropic organizations, and community support groups.